LMC Industrial Contractors is committed to support the growth and advancement of infrastructure in the United States. Our continual advancement of manufacturing capabilities and state of the art equipment keep LMC on the leading edge of infrastructure installation & improvements.
LMC is proud to be affiliated with American Motive Power (AMP). AMP, housed within the fabrication facility of LMC, offers a vertically integrated portfolio of repairs, overhauls, modifications, and fabrication service. AMP can perform complete wreck repairs, major component swap outs, running maintenance/inspections and testing of EMD and GE locomotives. AMP is AAR M-1003 certified, with PTC certified electricians and AWS D15.1 certified welders.
How can we help you?
Contact us at our corporate office or submit a business inquiry online.
Contact UsLMC has over 350 employees which include; API 1104, ASME, AISC & AWS certified welders and fabricators, NACE painters & blasters, licensed & NCCCO Trained crane operators & riggers, millwrights & carpenters, HVAC service group, engineering and locomotive employees.